Your two-week calendar

Follow these steps to complete a two-week action plan.

  1. Choose a calendar format. Options include your digital calendar, a planner, a desktop or wall calendar, or an app on your phone.
  2. Get your to-do list in hand
  3. Assign the items from your to-do list to a day in the upcoming two weeks

Tips for success:

  • To create an action planning routine, decide on a specific day and time each week to complete your plan and check on your progress. Many people choose a time on Sunday because it’s before the start of the week and you may have a little more time to reflect on what’s on your horizon.
  • Give yourself early deadlines for important items so that if something takes more time, you’ll have a buffer to still meet the deadline.
  • Try to limit the amount of tasks you assign to any given day.
  • Accept that you may not complete all of your tasks. Do your best to complete the important ones and otherwise adjust your plan to what is realistic.

Example two-week calendar

Two Week Calendar