Interview strategies

The videos presented here survey some helpful approaches to interview preparation. Many reference the Interview Preparation Toolkit, which is a place to document your practice responses. Continue with the “Practice your interview skills” goal to access the toolkit.

  • By thoroughly preparing for an interview, you can deliver a strong message of compatibility between your skills and experience and the employers needs.
  • With some research and reflection, understanding the employers needs is possible and can help you identify where to proactively focus your responses to their questions.
  • Learn about some of the skills and attributes that employers across industries are looking for and begin to strategize what you have to offer in these, or similar, areas.
  • Using this technique, you can tell compelling stories about your experience that differentiate your experience from others and inspires the employer to want to know more.
  • The best way to prepare for an interview is to identify potential questions and write out answers to them.